World War 3 2014


ISRAEL (Yahudi) and AMERICA (Nasrani)
(Two of The Big Army In The World)

World War 3 is starting. Moeslim and Comunis will destroy Two of The Big Army In The World

Iran will eliminate Israel from hostile world map, with nuclear.

North Korea will use their own sophisticated missiles to attack the United States.

Russia has sent 36 warships and 120 warplanes to Syria in a contract worth $ .550.000.000, as reported by the newspaper Kommersant

Libya fighting back where Gaddafi loyalists will retaliate against Israel

Afghanistan , Group Al-Qaeda and the Taliban will fight together overthrow the U.S. government formation.

Iraq will come back to fight and destroy the American government formation.

Egypt, have displayed a less friendly with Israel and indicated destroy Camp David agreement which was released by former presdien Anwar Sadat,

China will not let the destruction of Syria granted. China will fight America

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